Saturday, October 15, 2005

Tis the season of spam

I'm still deleting spam comments from my blog posts. And, for the last month or so I've been getting a regular load of junk email on my Yahoo account. Looks like the spam bots are out in full force.

The blog spam comments usually are in the form -- I really liked your blog, I am going to bookmark it and tell the whole universe... blah blah.

The spam comments are left by people with Blogspot accounts in some cases, so it's going to be an interesting ride. Maybe Blogger will have to come up with some sort of email verification as well. They've already got the Word verification for comments, which I've turned on for my blogs, but that'll work only for the spam bots. If some spammer is jobless enough to leave comments manually, it won't work.

I wonder if there are people who get paid to leave these comments on the really popular blogs (not mine, of course). Could be the start of another outsourcing industry.


At 1:37 pm, Blogger NV said...

I found a proxy to cover my tracks! Yipee! I can browse blogs!! :-) Yeah, I\'ve been getting a regular load of Spam on my blog too. :-)
Good to have you back man...


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