Sunday, April 24, 2005

Spouse (Shobha De)

Yeah, yeah, I know all about Shobha De's books. I've never read any of her books before but I do read her columns occasionally and she does make a lot of sense. I saw her in an interview on NDTV when she was launching the book and she was talking about how the writing process was for her with this book. She said (and this is not verbatim):
Fiction is easy to do, writing this book was tough.
That quote intrigued me and since I like reading non-fiction, so I bought the book.

I liked it a lot. It's written in a simple and lucid style that isn't too heavy. And, for a book that talks about marriage, she rarely preaches or talks down to you. There is a lot of stuff written from her heart, you can see that. I know people will be inclined to call this self-help but it's not. It's one woman's perspective on marriage and how she's made it work. What makes it interesting is that her current marriage is her second and she you can see from reading the book that she believes in the institution of marriage.

I enjoyed the book and because it's such light-reading, I recommend it. Don't expect answers though. Read it to get some general gyan on marriage and some insight into what Shobha De thinks is a successful marriage (her own).


At 12:31 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think her book is great and very practical !!

At 3:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's got a lot of practical advice, and it's light-reading, that's what's good about it I think.


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